
**HUGE** ALGORAND HOLDERS MUST SEE... Whats Next for ALGO Crypto ?! Coin...


Todd Nonstop Campbell

  Todd Campbell   Todd Campbell is a self-taught crypto currency analyst and trader at Bizerion with more than seven years in the industry. He has worked with some of the top trading platforms in Crypto and Block-Chain technology as an analyst, coach, and NFT creator. He has a wealth of experience in smart contracts, currencies, NTFs, and global macroeconomic issues. He has also published for prominent tech companies like THQ, Silicon Graphics, NASA, and Verizon. Todd graduated with a Bachelor’s of Art in 2000, and is currently working as an CTO of 

The Non-Fungible Token Bible: Everything you need to know about NFTs

  The Non-Fungible Token Bible: Everything you need to know about NFTs written by  Devin Finzer   January 10, 2020 Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique, digital items with blockchain-managed ownership. Examples include collectibles, game items, digital art, event tickets, domain names, and even ownership records for physical assets. If you’ve been living in the crypto world for a while, you’ve likely heard of the term “Non-Fungible Token”, or “NFT”. Maybe you’re a skeptic, a believer, or perhaps you still don’t really know what exactly a non-fungible token is. In any case, this post is for you! As a marketplace for NFTs, OpenSea has a unique vantage point: we’ve seen nearly every NFT-related project that has come online since late 2017 when the first NFT standard emerged. In fact, we’ll bet you a  Gods Unchained Card  that if you ask us about an NFT project, we’ve heard of it and likely talked to the developers at some point! The NFT ecosystem is a tight-knit group of incredible innov